Remember making VHS video cassettes then putting them in the mail? Distributing video meant making a copy, (that would "loose a generation") from the master. Most everyone had a VHS machine but the quality of the copy wasn't always that good and the video tapes could get snarled in the players. Your memories ruined.
YouTube has changed everything and digital is wonderful. Now you can enjoy bright, clean video from the comfort of your home on a big screen "smart" TV. A Google account gives you "public presence" on the Internet. When we create a custom YouTube channel for your story, you get all the benefits of having a Google account including Gmail, storage of all your video assets, photos, music, video captures, all in one place that can be shared to anyone.
Stories Well Told is grateful to help you stream a memorial story to your live over YouTube. Video from your custom channel, to your audiences, everywhere - in beautiful HD video. Then following the live event, the video becomes "on demand" meaning if you missed can watch anywhere, anytime, from any connected device.
We were proud and honored to stream the David Beaudry-Carnell Memorial live from Bethel Church over YouTube. Watch it now on demand -